Feature Comparison between ALF Corporate and ALF Cloud


Feature ALF Corporate ALF Cloud
*WIP = Work in Progress
Document Assembly    
Integrated document scripting and assembly ✔ Server side
Report Assembly to Word ✔ Server side
Date sensitivity on Task Document generation
Package Assembly
Generation of Registers, ledgers and share certificates
Future Enhancements:
Warrants/Options, Land Property
Unique Tasks for precedent organization, document generation, data update on confirmation ✔ v1
Base Template Precedent Management ✔ v1
Template Precedent Management
Iterative Document Assembly
(e.g. Consent to Act – one document for each entity)
✔ v2
Future Enhancements: Waivers / Notices on the Class level
PDF Form Assembly ✔ v1
Scripting codes
Access to assembled documents
Document footers
Execution Block Preferences
User Interface    
Hosted Cloud based public facing portal available through web browsers
ALF Home Page containing lists of records for tasks, ticklers
Data Entry keyboard short-cuts Q4 2024
Autocomplete / lookup lists
Pending / Confirmed status flag
All historical data and archiving
Wizard-based data entry for new entity, share transaction
Complex Share Transactions / Capital Alterations ✔ v1
Shareholdings roles
Custom Shareholding names
Blind Trusts for shareholdings
Unlimited, categorized “notes” fields available for entity. Date stamped notes ✔ v1
Copy Cards / Models
User can record Task Events
• Documents sent to client
• Documents sent to Registry etc…
✔ v1 automated recording
Future Enhancement: User directed
Data Auditing for Viewing
Audit trail feature for field change history **
Announcements Need to do
Associated Addresses / Corporate Offices (Custom) Need to do
Import and attach miscellaneous documents
Improved task support (Amalgamate,Continue,Dissolve,Register) ✔ v1
Associations Reports
Calendar view BF Need to do
Corp Entity Summary Pages
• Name
• Inc particulars
• Admin details
• Constitution
• Principals
Entity Summary Pages
Listing Reports
Bring Forward Reports
User Defined Custom Fields
Corporate Ownership Charting Need to do
Global Pie charting
• inc/reg by jurisdiction
  ◦ entity type
  ◦ family
Need to do
Pie Chart reports of voting/non-voting / all shareholdings
• per shareclass
• all classes
  ◦ including pending/confirmed
Need to do
Custom data for Look up Data (ALF Admin) Need to do
Integrated report-writing with output to MS Word

N/A – Printable browser window

✔ – Reports output to Word and Excel

Advanced Query Tool ✔ v2
Ad-hoc query tool (ALF’s User Query) Need to do
All list elements can be sorted, grouped, and printed
Advanced query forms in corporate entities -share transactions Need to do
Report output to Excel and MS Outlook

✔ – Reports can be output to Word and Excel

Outlook – (TBD)

Virtual Minute Books    
VMB Scanning Assistant
VMB Import ✔ Single VMB Import
✔ Batch VMB Import
Create Minute Book Definitions and tabs
Emailing VMB documents (one at a time or several)

✔ v1 Emailing via VM Export

✔ Email Share links

VMB Export to a single PDF
VMB scanner integration Need to do
Permissions and Access    
VMB Access ✔ (Enterprise only)
(Enterprise Only)
• Username / Password
• 2FA
• Single Sign On (SSO) Microsoft Entra
Customizable VMB Home Page (Read only users) Need to do
Access Groups
• restrict access to certain records
  ◦ CorpEntity
  ◦ Office
  ◦ Family
  ◦ Responsible Lawyer
Permissions/Roles for user types ✔ Enhanced in ALF Cloud
Read only user Corporate Entity search
ALF Intranet for web-based, read-only browsing
(Single application controlled by access. ALF Intranet no longer applicable)
Retrieve data directly from BC Corporate Registry
ALF Webfiler online filing tool
• Including data retrieval
Custom Fields    
Custom fields with ALF Assembler module